Tips to create a high quality images for your dropshipping store

3 min readMar 9, 2022

Creating high quality images for your dropshipping store is essential in order to make a good first impression on your customer. The most effective photos are those that clearly shows the product’s value and appeal. Don’t be afraid to showcase the product with lifestyle shots, as they will usually do more good than harm. A great photo can help you earn credibility and build trust with customers who may not have purchased from you otherwise.

Tips to capture high quality photos!

There are things you can do to make your Smartphone photos look professional and interesting.

If you want to get more likes, shares, and comments on your photos, then you need to pay attention to these 7 tips for taking better and quality photos:

1) Use a tripod — A tripod is essential for getting clear shots and keeping your phone steady when it’s at a lower angle. There are tons of tripod options available for phones, including small ones that can fit in your pocket.

2) Make sure your subject is in focus — There’s nothing worse than having a picture of a product with a blurry background. To ensure that your subject is in focus, take your time and adjust the camera until it looks sharp.

3) Use natural light — It may be tempting to use the flash on your phone to light up an area, but this can make pictures look unnatural and washed out. Instead, try taking photos during the day or by an open window

Lighting is very important for product photography. In general, natural light is best. Avoid taking photos in harsh sunlight, because it will make your products look too dark and gloomy. If you do use a flash, try to bounce it off of a white wall or ceiling to give the product some more brightness and detail. When using artificial lighting, make sure that there are no shadows on the product. This will make it look fake and unrealistic.

4) Use a camera app — Some Smartphone cameras have automatic modes that can help you take better photos. If your phone doesn’t have one, then download an app like Camera+ or ProCamera. These apps allow you to adjust your settings and customize how your photos look.

5) Avoid blurry images — If you don’t use a tripod, then, avoid taking photos of products at an angle that is too low or too high. It will make it hard for the customer to get a good look at the product.

3 tips to make your photos stand out more!

You’ve probably seen thousands of photos online: Some are good, some are bad, and others are just awful. If you want your photos to stand out from the crowd, there are three things you need to do.

  • 1st tip: Use a high quality camera with a wide-angle lens.
  • 2nd tip: Use a tripod or other stabilization mechanism when taking photos.
  • 3rd tip: To post-process your photos using great editing software like Photoshop.

You can make your dropshipping business very profitable if you use high quality images to show off the products that you are selling. In this article, we’ve provided some easy tips for creating great looking images that will attract customers and improve your sales.

