Things NOT to include in your dropshipping video ads

3 min readJan 6, 2022

These days, dropshipping video ads are becoming increasingly popular as they are one of the best ways to get new customers interested in your store and what you sell. However, if you want your ads to be effective and appealing, there are certain things that you shouldn’t include in them.

Here is the reason why…

Long intros

A beginning isn’t always necessary. People will start watching after around 10 seconds anyway, especially if you have a countdown timer set up so that your ad only runs for 5 minutes (ads stop automatically after 5 minutes). The same goes for outros — if nothing’s happening after 90 seconds or so, chances are viewers have already clicked away.

Excessive branding

In general, people don’t like being sold to and they don’t want their time wasted by excessive branding. Keep any logo/branding, content under 20% of your video length and make sure it doesn’t interfere with actual content. You can add branding at the end of your video, but make sure that it feels separate from what is going on throughout most of your video.

Bad lighting/audio quality

Brightness and contrast are always a good idea if you have access to simple editing software. Poor image quality (if you are using images) will turn off potential customers very quickly because there’s no telling how long it took you or how much you paid for it.

Lacking content.

You need to be selling your product or service, not just talking about what it is and what its benefits are. It also helps to talk about why someone should buy from you rather than your competitors, how you’re different from them and what makes your company so great compared to everyone else out there that sells similar products and services.

Make sure your dropshipping video ads have clear calls-to-action. If you want people to sign up for a free trial or give you their contact information, then tell them! You can have one CTA that overlays on top of your video ad so that viewers know what they should do next (if possible). You can also make calls-to-action towards your video after each call is made with another option so viewers can choose what they want to do from there. Call-to-actions include Get Started Now and Visit Website. You will want to A/B test your content as much as possible. Test multiple images, text and the placement options until you find something that works best for your brand/company image. You’ll also want to keep track of how many sales were made because of specific video ads and think about changing things up if it’s not working out. Finally, make sure people know who they are dealing with (your company) so they have confidence that what they see is a legitimate business; be sure to have contact information available on each page. If a visitor wants to learn more about you or sign up right there and then after watching one of your video ads — that can be very powerful!

